浮世絵学03/判型形態(角版)摺物 DB 引用書目(surimono) Reference Bibliography 酒井雁高(浮世絵・酒井好古堂主人) https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp/1187
ホーム > 浮世絵学03/判型形態(角版)摺物 DB 引用書目(surimono) Reference Bibliography 酒井雁高(浮世絵・酒井好古堂主人) https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp/1187

浮世絵学03/判型形態(角版)摺物 DB 引用書目(surimono) Reference Bibliography 酒井雁高(浮世絵・酒井好古堂主人) https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp/1187


浮世絵学:ukiyo-e study  浮世絵鑑定(肉筆浮世絵、錦絵):judge

SAKAI_gankow, curator, professional adviser of ukiyo-e

酒井 雁高(がんこう)(浮世絵・酒井好古堂主人)

*学芸員 *浮世絵鑑定家 📞 Phone 03-3591-4678(東京・有楽町)

酒井 邦男(くにお)  酒井好古堂・副代表    *学芸員     *浮世絵鑑定家

100-0006東京都千代田区有楽町1-2-14(東京・有楽町 帝国ホテルタワー前) 



ALL浮世絵学 記事一覧    All articles and images of Ukiyo-eGaku


G浮世絵学00 御案内 酒井雁高(浮世絵・酒井好古堂)  Guide



R浮世絵学00/複製・復刻 酒井雁高(浮世絵・酒井好古堂)https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp/88211



V浮世絵学 ミニ動画     Mini-film, about 5 minutes 

https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp/92533     浮世絵学 ミニ動画 各種 







日本で最古の浮世絵専門店。幕末の開明思想家・佐久間象山(1811-1864)(しょうざん)が、酒井義好(1810-1869)*よしたか の書齋を「好古堂」と命名しました。1982、酒井藤吉(とうきち)・十九子(とくこ)、酒井貞助(ていすけ)・富美江(ふみえ)、酒井泉三郎(せんざぶろう)・美代子(みよこ)らは、好古堂蒐集品を基として、父祖の地、松本市郊外に、日本浮世絵博物館を創立しました。


https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp/wp-admin/edit.php       記事一覧

 *Sakai Kohkodou Gallery  酒井雁高(浮世絵・酒井好古堂主人) Japanese Traditional Woodblock Prints  

SAKAI_gankow, curator, professional adviser of ukiyo-e

2022 SAKAI, gankow   酒井雁高


2018 SAKAI gankow


2020 SAKAI kunio




書名(摺物書目) *天地人参考書も参照のこと。




1落款 Sign with seal

2刊年 Date

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4外題 Series Title

5版元 Publisher

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*浮世絵のDB(HP: ukiyo-e.co.jp)を参照。

御連絡はE-mail:  gankow@gmail.com


酒井 雁高(がんこう)

浮世絵・酒井好古堂 →[HP: ukiyo-e.co.jp]






◯摺物 (Surimono)

*privately published gift or announcement, mostly kaku-ban, square size, 1/6 of Housho-size.

摺物 (Surimono)


1968Meissner, K.  Woodblock Prints in Miniature:  The Genre of Surimono.  Chales Et. Tuttle Company

1970Schack, G.  Japanische Glückwünscheblatter aus der Sammlung Gerhard Schack.  Hamburg, Lübeck

1970反町茂雄/Japanese Illustrated Books and Manuscripts in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, Ireland Koubunsou

1971Meissner, Kt. Japanische farbige Holzschnitte mit versteckten Kalenderdaten.  Hans Christians Verlag, Hamburg

1976Ward, Sidney: One Hundred Surimono in the Collection of Sidney C. Ward.  Winteter Park.

1978Delay, Nelly.: Les natures moretes japonaises origine et evolution, in Ositer, ed.  Les objects tranquilles.

1978Forrer, Matthi. :Surimono: une estampe a la technique raffinee, in Ositer, ed., Les objects tranquilles.

1978Keyes, Roger. : Copies of Square Surimono, in Ukiyo-e Studies and Pleasures, A collection of essays on the art of Japanese prints by members of the Society for Japanese Arts and Crafts, The Hague

1978Kondo, Eiko : L’evolution des kkyouka et leurs rapports avec l’ukiyo-e. in Ositer., ed. Les objects tranquilles.

1978Ostier, Janette. ed. Les objects tranquilles.  Naatures mortes japonaises XVIII-XIX siecles.  Galeries Janette Ositer, Paris

1979Bowie, Theodore, et al.: Art of the Surimono. Published by Indiana University Art Museum, USA.,

1979Forrer, Matthi.: Egoyomi and Surimono -Their Development and History. J.C.Gieben, Uithoorn.

1979Forrer, M + Keyes, R. : Very Like a Whale ?  Hokusai’s Illustrations for the Genroku Poem Shells, in A Sheaf o Japanese Papers in Tribute to Heinz Kaempfer on his 75th Birthday.  Society for Japanese Arts and Crafts.  The Hague.

1979Hillier, J. : Still Life in Surimono, in A Sheaf of Japanese Papers, Society for Japanese Arts and Crafts.,  The Hague

1979Kenney, James T.: A Brief Historyf of Kyouka and the Edo Kyouka Movement, Bowie, ed. Art of the Surimono, Indian University Art Museum.

1979Matsudaira, S. : On the Background of Osaka Surimono – The Kyouka Poets and Their Patrons, in Proceedings


1979鈴木重三/Interepretation and Appreciation of the Edo Kyouka Surimono in Proceedings.

1979Ward, Sidney : Proceedings of the First International Symposium of Surimono held at International House of Japan, Tokyo

1980Polster, Edythe and Alfred H. Marks.  Surimono: Prints by Elbow.  Lovejoy Press, Washington., D.C.

1981Keyes, R.: Kuniyoshi’s Low Tide at Susaki, a five panel surimono.  in And on, no. 3., bulletin of the Society fro Japanese Arts and Crafts., The Hague

1982Rappard-Boon Van +Forrer, Matthi : Catalogue of the Collection of Japanese Prints Part III.  Hokusai and His School.  Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam

1983Schindler, Werner.  Egoyomi et surimono.  Calendriers et cartes de voeux.  Gravures sur bois des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.  Musee d’art et d’histoire.  Geneve

1984Keyes, Roger:Surimono: Privately Published Japanese Prints in the Spencer Museum of Art Published by Kodansha, New York,

1985Keyes, Roger:The Art of Surimono: Privately Published Japanese Woodblock Prints and Books in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Published by Sotheby Parke Bernet Pubns, New York, New York

1987Keyes, Roger S: Surimono from the Chester Beatty Collection Published by International Exhibitions Foundation

1987Arts of Asia September-October 1987 Surimono Ukiyo-e Refined (Volume 17 Number 5) Published by Arts of Asia Publications Ltd.,


2002Chester Beatty Library: Descriptive Catalogue of Japanese Illustrated Manuscripts and Printed Books in the Chester Beatty Library. Tokyo





