浮世絵学04/外題(絵本)絵本引用書目編 酒井雁高(浮世絵・酒井好古堂) https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp/1180
ホーム > 浮世絵学04/外題(絵本)絵本引用書目編 酒井雁高(浮世絵・酒井好古堂) https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp/1180

浮世絵学04/外題(絵本)絵本引用書目編 酒井雁高(浮世絵・酒井好古堂) https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp/1180


浮世絵学:ukiyo-e study  浮世絵鑑定(肉筆浮世絵、錦絵):judge

SAKAI_gankow, curator, professional adviser of ukiyo-e

酒井 雁高(がんこう)(浮世絵・酒井好古堂主人)

*学芸員 *浮世絵鑑定家 📞 Phone 03-3591-4678(東京・有楽町)

酒井 邦男(くにお)  酒井好古堂・副代表    *学芸員     *浮世絵鑑定家

100-0006東京都千代田区有楽町1-2-14(東京・有楽町 帝国ホテルタワー前) 



ALL浮世絵学 記事一覧    All articles and images of Ukiyo-eGaku


G浮世絵学00 御案内 酒井雁高(浮世絵・酒井好古堂)  Guide



R浮世絵学00/複製・復刻 酒井雁高(浮世絵・酒井好古堂)https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp/88211



V浮世絵学 ミニ動画     Mini-film, about 5 minutes 

https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp/92533     浮世絵学 ミニ動画 各種 







日本で最古の浮世絵専門店。幕末の開明思想家・佐久間象山(1811-1864)(しょうざん)が、酒井義好(1810-1869)*よしたか の書齋を「好古堂」と命名しました。1982、酒井藤吉(とうきち)・十九子(とくこ)、酒井貞助(ていすけ)・富美江(ふみえ)、酒井泉三郎(せんざぶろう)・美代子(みよこ)らは、好古堂蒐集品を基として、父祖の地、松本市郊外に、日本浮世絵博物館を創立しました。


https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp/wp-admin/edit.php       記事一覧

 *Sakai Kohkodou Gallery  酒井雁高(浮世絵・酒井好古堂主人) Japanese Traditional Woodblock Prints  

SAKAI_gankow, curator, professional adviser of ukiyo-e

2022 SAKAI, gankow   酒井雁高


2018 SAKAI gankow


2020 SAKAI kunio




絵本 海外が率先して、蒐集し、各図書館、博物館、美術館に貴重図書として収蔵されている。

書名(絵本書目) *天地人参考書も参照のこと。




版本(絵本)全図紹介    !!         


https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp/22447    ←(版本)woodblock printed books  

https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp/28725 ←(絵本)color woodblock picture books & reference 

https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp/30598   (活字本) type print books *全頁を影印で掲載 

絵本 ←ここをクリック




1 落款 Signed with seal

2 刊年 Date

3 判型 Format & Form

4 外題 Series Title

5 版元 Publisher

6 内題 Picture Tile

7 出典 Source

*浮世絵のDB(HP: ukiyo-e.co.jp)を参照。

御連絡はE-mail:  gankow@gmail.com


酒井 雁高(がんこう)

浮世絵・酒井好古堂 →   https://www.ukiyo-e.co.jp   日本で最古の浮世絵専門店│浮世絵・酒井好古堂






1924Brown, Louise Norton. Block Printing & Book Illustration in Japan. London: Routledge & Sons.

1931Art Institute of Chicago. Ryerson Library. Descriptive Catalogue of the Japanese and Chinese Illustrated Books in the Ryerson Library / by Kenji Toda. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago. (2005Reprinted Mansfield Centre, Conn. Martino Publishing)

1944Strange, Edward F. Japanese Illustration: History of the Arts of Wood-cutting and Colour Printing in Japan. (The Connoisseur Series) London: George Bell and Sons.


1968New York Public Library. Catalogue of Japanese Illustrated Books and Manuscripts in the Spencer Collection of the New York Public Library / by Shigeo Sorimachi. (1978reprint).

1972MITCHELL, C. H: The Illustrated books of Nanga, Maruyama, Shijo and other related school of Japan.  Los Angels

1972Victoria and Albert Museum. Japanese Illustrated Books / by Leonard G. Dawes. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

1974Hillier, Jack Ronald: The Uninhibited Brush: Japanese Art in the Shijo Style Published by Hugh M. Moss (Publishing) Ltd,

1975Chibbett, D. G+Hickman, B. F.+Matsudaira, S: University of London. School of Oriental and African Studies. Library. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Pre-1868 Japanese Books, Manuscripts, and Prints in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

1977Crusvar, Luisa. : Stampe giapponesi delle collezione dei Civica Musei di Storia ed Arte di Trieste.  Electa, Trieste

1977Chibett, David. The History of Japanese Printing and Book Illustration. Tokyo; New York: Kodansha International.

1978New York Public Library. Catalogue of Japanese Illustrated Books and Manuscripts in the Spencer Collection of the New York Public Library / by Shigeo Sorimachi. (1968first print)

1980Smith, Lawrence, et al. Japanese Prints: 300 Years of Albums and Books (exhibition of the Jack Hillier Collection at the British Museum). London: British Museum Publications.

1979鈴木重三/絵本と浮世絵 江戸出版文化の考察。美術出版社

1980Hillier, Jack +Smith, Lawrence: Japanese Prints: 300 Years of Albums and Books. London: British Museum Publications.

1983-1987漆山天童/繪本年表 全6/日本書誌学大系34。青裳堂書店

1984Yoshida, Kogorô. Tanrokubon: Rare Books of Seventeenth Century Japan. Tokyo; New York: Kodansha International.

1987Hillier, Jack Ronald. The Art of the Japanese Book. London: Published for Sotheby’s Publications by P. Wilson


1991 Jack Hillier: Ravicz Collection. The Japanese Picture Books: a Selection from the Ravicz Collection . New York: Harry N. Abrams.

1993Gardner, Kenneth B. : British Library. Descriptive Catalogue of Japanese Books in the British Library Printed Before 1700  = 大英図書館蔵日本古版目録. London: The British Library.

1994Japanese Picture Books from Ravicz Collection / kikaku henshû iin Nakano Mitsutoshi … et al. Yokohama-shi: Hiraki Ukiyoe Bijutsukan.

1998相見香雨/絵本画譜年表 相見香雨集(5)/日本書誌学大系45。青裳堂

2006Roger S. Keyes: Ehon: The Artist and the Book in Japan (Hardback) Published by University of Washington Press, United States,




